Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Farewell chalet for andy and weiluen from wed to fri
it was effing fun. its like a get away trip w frens :):)
mad girl love hanging lots of stuffs

mad guy wearing xuefang new bought bikini.
off we start bbq on the first night!

phototaking session starts....

unprepared stupid faces..
..nice one
another one..
TA fam photos!
went to WWW w fang and sharon
complimentary tickets from the chalet. WEE~
fang's unglam face
Faces, Before we start playing

Faces, After playing.

Next, BBQ night at 2nd day
i turned to charcoal after WWW :(
Trying to nap after BBQ
but ended up, it was throwing session.
4 vs 2
Its childish, but is so funnnnnnn lahhhh!~
Cycling session starts at 11pm
we lost andy and benny.
pictures taken while waiting for them

Stop at bedok.
bought drinks to replenish
and we ready for more ~~

And here we reach east coast hawker centre
it was one and half hr later....... !
amazing sandcastle was still there after drizzling

Our shaggable face.....
from coasta sand to east coast and back to coasta sand
everyones butt and leg ache :( !
able to lose weight, i don mind. hees

didnt manage to snap any pictures at day 3.
everyone was so shagggggg and moodless
but the chalet trip was so enjoyable

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